Whether you are looking for a new hobby or a way to get out in the fresh air during the winter months, you may be wondering about picking up a winter sport. There are many snow-friendly activities to choose from, including snowshoeing, ice hockey, and skiing!

Obviously, we here at Shawnee Mountain are extremely biased, but hear us out — we’ve put together a list of reasons why skiing is the absolute best winter sport.

To our snowboarders: we love you all, too. We’ll circle back around to how awesome snowboarding is in another post. For now, here’s some reasons why you might consider choosing skiing over some of the other winter sports.

Fun for All Ages

Skiing is a sport for all ages so you can never be too young or too old to learn! We’ve all seen the videos online of children who learn to ski and ride before they learn to walk. On the opposite end of the spectrum, adults are never too old to hop into a lesson and learn the sport for the first time. It’s very easy to fall in love with skiing, no matter what age you are, once you master the basics.

Social Sport

Skiing is a sport that you can go out and do with your friends and family members. You can also join ski clubs and travel/race teams and enjoy the comradery of the sport. Grab a friend to bring along with you or hop in the singles like at the chairlift and meet someone new!

That being said, it’s also a great sport to enjoy on your own. Pop in some earbuds and jam out while you glide down the slopes, or go without the distractions and listen to the sounds of nature around you (which may just sound like skis scraping on granular snow, which is great, too).

Enjoy the Fresh Air

It’s hard to describe the feeling of unloading from the lift at the top of the mountain and looking out for miles. Being outside and enjoying all that nature has to offer does more for your mind and body than you may think.

  • Improved mood – Fresh air can increase serotonin & oxygen levels in the brain, which can contribute to feelings of happiness and relaxation.
  • Reduced stress and anxiety – Studies show that being outdoors can reduce levels of stress and anxiety.
  • Increased energy levels – Fresh air can increase energy levels.
  • Higher vitamin D levels – Being outside (especially when the sun’s out) can increase vitamin D levels.
  • Cleaned lungs – Fresh air can clean your lungs.

Great Workout

Skiing is a challenging sport that can push you to constantly improve your technique and form. While it takes a lot of practice (and many falls) to build up the skills and endurance required for skiing, it really is an excellent workout. Here’s why:

  • Skiing utilizes and strengthens several muscles including: Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Calves, Glutes, Adductors, Biceps, Triceps, and muscles in your hips and feet.
  • It improves balance & core strength. Having great balance improves agility and joint stability.

Don’t take it from us…

As self-proclaimed winter-enthusiasts, we might not be the best source when it comes to convincing someone to join us in enjoying the thrills of skiing. Instead, why don’t we take a look at the numbers: according to statistics, during the 2022-2023 season, the United States saw a record 64.7 million skier visits. That’s just the US! If millions of people are enjoying this winter sport, don’t you think it’s time you gave it a shot?

Written on: March 1, 2024  |  Written by: Sophie G., Marketing Intern & Michaela K., Marketing Asst.

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November 16 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm